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Dominant Bentgrass
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GREENS QUALITY GRASSES Bentgrass BENTGRASS - The “Cadillac” of putting surfaces
FOR USE ON GOLF COURSE GREENS AND LAWN TENNIS COURTS. West Coast Turf is known across the country for growing some of the best bentgrass in the industry. It is maintained on the farm at greens height, giving it true ball roll, and fast speed. We grow the ever popular Penncross, Pennlinks, the new high performance “A” and “G” series, and the latest Dominant blends. Sod is available on USGA spec sand or as washed sod. We will also contract grow your own specified variety or blend on whatever root-zone medium you wish. Features and Benefits COLOR Beautiful dark green to very dark green. TEXTURE Fine to very fine. PERFORMANCE Penncross was released in 1955, and is the most popular bentgrass in the world. It is still preferred by some superintendents. Penn A and G Series have upright growth and dense tillering that resists spiking and repels annual bluegrass. They provide a fast and virtually grainless putting surface, and have improved heat tolerance and disease resistance. Dominant Blends. There are several new and old Dominant blends. All have unequalled performance on greens, have dense and upright growth, and high shoot density. Custom Grow. We will custom grow any bentgrass seed to your specifications.
Ideal for normal situations. Big Roll sod: 42” x 105’ long with ½” of soil. Weighs approximately 2000 lbs. Great for large areas. Thick-cut sod: has up to a 2” soil base that provides anchorage for the sod until the roots knit to the subsoil. Ideal for renovating a green that needs to be back in play within a few days.
Features & Benefits
- CLIMATE Thrives in cold to warm climates, USDA zones 3-7.
- SHADE TOLERANCE Moderately shade tolerant, requires full sun most of the day.
- MAINTENANCE High level of maintenance required. No overseeding necessary.
- MOWING ⅛”-1/4” greens mower required.
- OPTIONS Regular sod: 16” x 72” long rolls with ½” of soil. Weighs approximately 45 lbs.
Contact us at 888-893-8873 for pricing on this specialty professional sod.