Water Smart Warm Season Grass-Bermuda & Seashore Paspalum Sod
Water efficient drought tolerant natural grasses for areas such as California, Arizona, and Nevada with sod needs for summer temperatures that soar into the 90's and 100's, and with less rainfall.
Bermuda and seashore paspalum grasses are very water friendly, so they're ideal for use in areas with drought conditions such as Arizona, California, and Nevada! Smart watering of warm season grasses make them responsible choice, and are safe for heavy play and use with kids and pets. It's also the grass of choice for professional sports fields and golf courses due to it's resilience to foot traffic.
Warm season grasses do require winter overseeding if year-round green color is desired, as they become dormant during cold winter months. Or for even more water conservation, skip the cost of both rye overseeding and winter watering by using environmentally friendly turf paint.
Read more on the water saving benefits of warm season natural grasses in these articles from the experts at the University of California: "The California Drought & Landscape Water Use" and "Managing Turfgrass During Drought."
More and more golf courses are making the transition from cool season grasses to water saving warm season grasses on the entire course--saving tens of thousands of dollars a year on water and improving playability. We've been a part of several of these projects on the west coast. Read more about them here.
Also, check out our latest blog on figuring out the changes on latest water restrictions here-----> Mr. Wise Grass.
Drought Tolerant Seashore Paspalum Sod |
Platinum TE Paspalum OverseededEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability Platinum TE is our newest sod--Less Fertilizer + Less Water = "GREENER" grass for the environment and more $ in your pocket! |
Platinum TE Paspalum OverseededOur newest sod--Less Fertilizer + Less Water = "GREENER" grass for the environment and more $ in your pocket! |
Drought Tolerant Water Saving Natural Bermudagrass Sod for Warmer Areas |
Bandera Bermuda®A very popular and newer variety of bermudagrass for golf courses, sports fields, parks, & home lawns. |
Tifgreen 328 OverseededWide range of mowing heights, and low, dense growth habit make it one of the most versatile hybrid bermudas. |
Santa Ana Bermuda OverseededEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability Santa Ana is one of the most drought tolerant hybrid bermuda grasses, with a short dormancy period.
Tifway 419 OverseededEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability
The fine texture, and beautiful dark green color make it a popular choice for golf course tees and fairways. |
Tahoma 31 BermudaTahoma 31 Bermuda is extremely drought tolerant, cold hardy, has early Spring green-up, and has excellent wear resistance. It is our lowest water using turfgrass. |
Tifgreen 328 Bermuda OverseededEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability Wide range of mowing heights, and low, dense growth habit make it one of the most versatile hybrid bermudas. It's a drought tolerant and a low water using turfgrass. |
E-Z TURF® Overseeded For Arizona SodEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability The easiest lawn ever for your Arizona home--even nicknamed "the lazy man's grass!" It's a drought tolerant and a low water using turfgrass. |
Tifway 419 BermudaEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability The fine texture, and beautiful dark green color make it a popular choice for golf course tees and fairways. |
Tifway IIEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability GREAT durability, beautiful dark-green color, and recuperative abilities. It's a drought tolerant and a low water using turfgrass. |
Tifway II OverseededEnter your ZIP Code for pricing and availability GREAT durability, beautiful dark-green color, and recuperative abilities, overseeded on the farm for winter green. |